Friday, September 30, 2011

I’m Not Stressed or Depressed . . . I Just Need Some Me Time

Now ‘Me Time’ is something I would encourage everyone to take. Whether it is an hour, a day or a weekend (wouldn’t that be ideal), you need to take time out for yourself. Time to read a book, listen to an entire cd (without interruption), and get pampered or whatever else comes to mind. The key is spending some quality time with you.

Some of my sister/friends know I am a big fan of me time. I don’t mind spending time with myself; perhaps it is because I am an only child. There are times when I hop in my car, drive to New York and just walk around with no destination in mind. I will window shop; people watch; and treat myself to a nice meal or perhaps a play. Then there are times when my ‘me time’ requires traveling to a destination that has blue water. For some reason being in a tranquil environment brings clarity to things that are somewhat foggy.

So, how do you get your ‘me time’? If you are a single parent, connect with other single parents. Trust me; they need a break just like you. When my son was younger I connected with another single mom. Every other weekend we would take one another’s child for the day or weekend. We were able to plan our 'me time' activities around each other's schedule. I really believe it was one of our better ideas because then we never had to worry about a babysitter. In a nutshell, it was a win-win situation.

If finding someone to watch the children is a challenge, take a day off work. Don’t consider it a wasted vacation, sick or personal day. It is a day that you are investing in your sanity. While the children are in school, you have a minimum of 6 hours to soak in a bubble bath, walk in the park or go for a long ride or do whatever comes to mind. Heck, if you want to do absolutely nothing but chill on your couch in your pajamas (and enjoy a small cup of ice cream without a little person asking for a taste), that is exactly what you should do.

Ladies, you give your all. Every now and again you have to take a break and regroup. Then you are mentally and physically prepared to move forward and take on the next challenge that awaits you. Stop feeling that you don’t deserve or have time for YOU.

I will close with a quote from Susan Taylor, “We need quiet time to examine our lives honestly and openly . . . spending quiet time gives your mind an opportunity to renew itself and create order.”

Be Inspired and Inspire Someone

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