So are you wondering what the three ladies shared with me?? Information on how I can shed pounds and inches (especially in my problem area . . . my stomach that I have been carrying for 24 years). I know, I know I really need to stop blaming my stomach on carrying a child. After 24 years some of it should be gone and probably would be slimmer if I had only put in the extra effort.

Unlike other programs, there are no special packaged foods to purchase, you don’t go to a facility to be measured, weighed or obtain support. This is all about being able to follow the protocol utilizing the resources that are emailed in addition to the support website. This is about you being up to the challenge and sticking to a program that will help you achieve the results you are seeking in a short period of time.
To follow the program, normal grocery shopping is done by sticking to the perimeter of the grocery store (produce and protein); drinking of a lot of water and green tea and most importantly exercising a maximum of 30 minutes/day. That exercise can consist of walking or a little more if an exercise regimen was in place. For me that was right up my alley because I didn’t have to worry about sweating out my hair. Oops now you know why I didn’t put in a lot of effort during my previous exercise programs. Come on, I know I am not the only one who worries about sweating out her fresh perm. I need it to last for at least 4-6 weeks. ;-)
So now you are probably wondering if you have to give up your first born in order to purchase this product. The answer is no; however, he/she may miss out on getting a new pair of sneakers. The product only cost $77 (plus s&h). With that you receive the spray, downloads for the material needed to follow the protocol and access to the support website. I did have to buy a few more items; a digital scale to weigh myself and a kitchen scale to weigh my food in order to really monitor my weight and food intake.
I started this journey in February 2011 at 175 pounds and after a few ½ rounds (because I was a big cheater) I ended the program in September 2011 at 144 pounds. I don’t know how many inches I lost off my waist but my clothes definitely fit differently. Yes, I lost a total of 31 pounds in 7 months. Now I am in the maintenance phase and I am doing well managing my eating habits and incorporating an exercise program that works for me. I must admit, I feel healthier than I have felt in years.
To learn more about the program follow the attached link below to view the video and receive a free download of Dr. Simeon's Pounds and Inches. The Pounds and Inches literature provides information on why many people are overweight and the contributors -like heredity, lack of exercise, food intake, etc. Dr. Simeon used HCG in a shot form; however, the spray was created in a homeopathic form and the results are the same.
If you decide to order the product ($77), (once you are on the website) please scroll down to the bottom of the page, CLICK – Click Here Order Now. By clicking on this link, it allows me to receive credit for each person that I refer.
During my journey to shed those unwanted pounds and inches, I learned a wealth of information; information that assisted me in reaching my goal and also increased my knowledge of making healthier choices in my life. For me this was a lifestyle change not a quick fix to lose weight for a special event.
If you would like to discuss the program in confidence, please arrange a call or Skype meeting with me via
I will close with a quote from Dr. Cindy Trimm: This is the ending of your history and the beginning of your destiny.
Be inspired and inspire someone!
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