Wednesday, September 14, 2011

We Can Control What We Put Into Our Mouths

I recently read a posting by Joel Osteen. I thought it was appropriate to share it with you as we work towards improving our health (mentally and physically).

There are a lot of things that we cannot control in life. But we can control what we put into our mouths. Many people don't realize today the reason they don't feel well and the reason they don't have any energy. They're dealing with headaches, allergies, and sometimes even more serious, chronic illnesses, simply because of what they're putting into their system every day.

A lot of times, we're praying for God to give us a miracle. "God, I don't feel well." "God, I need more energy." And "God, take away these headaches." Well, we really don't need a miracle; we need a lifestyle change. We need to develop better habits to take care of our temple.

A hundred years ago, we didn't have the heart disease and the cancer that we have today. What's changed? Our diet. We live off of much more processed, refined foods; foods that have chemicals and preservatives to make them last longer but they're not necessarily good for us. We've developed bad habits of eating junk foods, eating too much food, and not drinking enough water. All of these things can be harmful to us.

I wonder how much smarter we would be if we'd just start eating the right foods? I wonder how much more creative, more energetic, and more productive we'd be if we'd eliminate a few of the sugars and instead, start eating more fruit. Or, if we'd start snacking on nuts and raisins and give up some of the colas and candy bars.

Decide today to take care of your temple. Don't put things in that you know shouldn't be in. Limit the sugars. Limit the caffeine. Drink more water. Eat more fruits and vegetables and don't live off of these packaged lunch meats. Eat more organic when you can. More baked and less fried.

I don't know about you, but I need all the help I can get! I don't want to get stagnant in life. I don't want to come to a peak in my intelligence or a peak in my creativity just because I'm not putting the right nutrition in. I don't want to be an old man (or woman) falling apart.

I want you to be the happiest, healthiest, most prosperous people around. But you've got to do your part. Discipline yourself to make healthy choices. You may be fine now, but if you're abusing your body later on it's going to catch up to you.

That's my prayer for each one of you. You can become all God's created you to be. If you will make choices for your health and start developing better eating habits, then you'll get stronger, healthier and wiser. You'll even be better looking!

To create some dialogue, please share the foods that you feel are your weakness.

I am going to close with this proverb, "Eat little, sleep well."

Be Inspired and Inspire Someone

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