Now ‘Me Time’ is something I would encourage everyone to take. Whether it is an hour, a day or a weekend (wouldn’t that be ideal), you need to take time out for yourself. Time to read a book, listen to an entire cd (without interruption), and get pampered or whatever else comes to mind. The key is spending some quality time with you.
Some of my sister/friends know I am a big fan of me time. I don’t mind spending time with myself; perhaps it is because I am an only child. There are times when I hop in my car, drive to New York and just walk around with no destination in mind. I will window shop; people watch; and treat myself to a nice meal or perhaps a play. Then there are times when my ‘me time’ requires traveling to a destination that has blue water. For some reason being in a tranquil environment brings clarity to things that are somewhat foggy.
So, how do you get your ‘me time’? If you are a single parent, connect with other single parents. Trust me; they need a break just like you. When my son was younger I connected with another single mom. Every other weekend we would take one another’s child for the day or weekend. We were able to plan our 'me time' activities around each other's schedule. I really believe it was one of our better ideas because then we never had to worry about a babysitter. In a nutshell, it was a win-win situation.
If finding someone to watch the children is a challenge, take a day off work. Don’t consider it a wasted vacation, sick or personal day. It is a day that you are investing in your sanity. While the children are in school, you have a minimum of 6 hours to soak in a bubble bath, walk in the park or go for a long ride or do whatever comes to mind. Heck, if you want to do absolutely nothing but chill on your couch in your pajamas (and enjoy a small cup of ice cream without a little person asking for a taste), that is exactly what you should do.
Ladies, you give your all. Every now and again you have to take a break and regroup. Then you are mentally and physically prepared to move forward and take on the next challenge that awaits you. Stop feeling that you don’t deserve or have time for YOU.
I will close with a quote from Susan Taylor, “We need quiet time to examine our lives honestly and openly . . . spending quiet time gives your mind an opportunity to renew itself and create order.”
Be Inspired and Inspire Someone
Friday, September 30, 2011
Thursday, September 29, 2011
Are You Up For The Challenge?
Did you know it only takes 28 days to change a habit or the way you think? Well we are going to extend it and go to 31 days. Personal affirmations are a great way to do that just. Read this every day beginning October 1 and for the next 30 days thereafter . . . "This is the ending of my history and the beginning of my destiny."
NOW, are you ready for the 31 Days to a Healthier You Challenge???
In preparation, here is what you need to do:
Be Inspired and Inspire Someone
NOW, are you ready for the 31 Days to a Healthier You Challenge???
In preparation, here is what you need to do:
- Grab one of your sister/friends and encourage her to LIKE the For My Sister/Friends page on Facebook and take this journey with you.
- If you have not clicked the LIKE button on the For My Sister/Friends page osted on Facebook, I encourage you to do it NOW.
- October 1, 2011, I will post on Facebook the challenge pledge. Under that posting you must state, " I (state your name) pledge to do the 31 day challenge.
- Send me your preferred mailing address and email address to
- Each day I will post an activity that should be completed by 11:59p that evening. The challenge is all about the honor system. You will have to post or email your comment, photos, etc. in response to the task.
- Most importantly, you will never know when a task will be rewarded with a prize so remember to check the For My Sister/Friends page on Facebook each day.
Be Inspired and Inspire Someone
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Sister/Friends is on Facebook
It took me a minute but now For My Sister/Friends is on Facebook.
I have been working on a variety of projects to assist all women in mentally and physically improving their health. Although I share information via my blogs, there are other postings and comments that are shared via Facebook.
Please search Facebook for the "For My Sister/Friends" page and click LIKE. This way you are always in the know of what is going on. You don't want to miss out on the challenge that is coming up. There are a few great prizes to be won.
I encourage you to like the FB page and also tell a friend.
Be Inspired and Inspire Someone
I have been working on a variety of projects to assist all women in mentally and physically improving their health. Although I share information via my blogs, there are other postings and comments that are shared via Facebook.
Please search Facebook for the "For My Sister/Friends" page and click LIKE. This way you are always in the know of what is going on. You don't want to miss out on the challenge that is coming up. There are a few great prizes to be won.
I encourage you to like the FB page and also tell a friend.
Be Inspired and Inspire Someone
I Am Stressed
“Your stress is not like mine; I guarantee that I can top yours.” Have any of my sister/friends said that in their head as someone is sharing with them an issue that causes them stress? Let’s see how many of my sister/friends can relate to a few of these issues that can cause stress: You are too many things to too many people; your teenager has loss their mind but they think you are the one that is crazy; someone places one more project on your desk that should have been completed yesterday; your mate does not understand your daily struggles and is not supportive; childcare; school; taking care of aging parents; not enough money and a host of other things. These are some of the issues that cause many people stress in their daily life. Oddly enough, these stressors may be affecting your health.
According to the Mayo Clinic, you may think illness is to blame for that nagging headache, your frequent insomnia or your decreased productivity at work. But stress may actually be the culprit. Indeed, stress symptoms can affect your body, your thoughts and feelings, and your behavior. Being able to recognize common stress symptoms can give you a jump on managing them. Stress that's left unchecked can contribute to health problems such as high blood pressure, heart disease, obesity and diabetes.
Common effects of stress . . .
On your body:
• Headache
• Muscle tension or pain
• Chest pain
• Fatigue
• Change in sex drive
• Stomach upset
• Sleep problems
On your mood:
• Anxiety
• Restlessness
• Lack of motivation or focus
• Irritability or anger
• Sadness or depression
Source: American Psychological Association's "Stress in America" report, 2010
If you do have stress symptoms, taking steps to manage your stress can have numerous health benefits. Explore stress management strategies such as: physical activity, relaxation techniques, meditation, yoga, or tai chi.
Sister/friends, youneed to get to a place where you are healthy (inside and outside). One or two of the stressors I mentioned will probably be constant in your life. However, it is important to identify methods to properly manage the stress and not allow it to take a toll on your body. Yes, it is easier said than done, but it is possible.
I will close with a quote from Terri Guillemets, “Give your stress wings and let it fly away.”
Be Inspired and Inspire Someone
According to the Mayo Clinic, you may think illness is to blame for that nagging headache, your frequent insomnia or your decreased productivity at work. But stress may actually be the culprit. Indeed, stress symptoms can affect your body, your thoughts and feelings, and your behavior. Being able to recognize common stress symptoms can give you a jump on managing them. Stress that's left unchecked can contribute to health problems such as high blood pressure, heart disease, obesity and diabetes.
Common effects of stress . . .
• Headache
• Muscle tension or pain
• Chest pain
• Fatigue
• Change in sex drive
• Stomach upset
• Sleep problems
On your mood:
• Anxiety
• Restlessness
• Lack of motivation or focus
• Irritability or anger
• Sadness or depression
On your behavior:
• Overeating or undereating
• Angry outbursts
• Drug or alcohol abuse
• Tobacco use
• Social withdrawal
Sister/friends, youneed to get to a place where you are healthy (inside and outside). One or two of the stressors I mentioned will probably be constant in your life. However, it is important to identify methods to properly manage the stress and not allow it to take a toll on your body. Yes, it is easier said than done, but it is possible.
I will close with a quote from Terri Guillemets, “Give your stress wings and let it fly away.”
Be Inspired and Inspire Someone
Monday, September 26, 2011
Just Get Over It Already
I believe the song I posted for Inspiration Sunday was a nice introduction to the topic of the week, Mental Health. Cece Winan’s verse states, “You weren’t there the night HE found me . . . you don’t know the cost of the oil in my alabaster box.”
Have you ever been trying to cope with life’s challenges and someone says, “Just get over it already” but you cannot seem to ‘get over it?’ Has there been a time when you want to retire to your bed and never leave? Have you felt that one minute you were happy and smiling and then (like the wind blowing) a brush of sadness fills your body? Perhaps you could be suffering from some form of depression. The Mayo Clinic has provided information about depression in women. I will briefly share some of the facts the Mayo Clinic discussed. If you would like more in-depth information, please visit their website at
For some reason, it is not hard to believe that about 1 in 8 women develop depression at some point in life. Women are nearly twice as likely as are men to struggle with depression at some point. Depression can occur at any age, but it is most common in women between the ages of 25 and 44. Depression can fall into one of several categories. They include: major depressive disorder (also know as major depression, clinical depression); dysthymic disorder; manic depression; post partum depression; seasonal affective disorder; anxiety depression; atypical depression; chronic depression; double depression; endogenous depression; situation depression or reactive depression; agitated depression; psychotic depression; melancholic depression; and catatonic depression. Depending on the type of depression one is suffering from, the symptoms may be different which means the treatment may also differ. I encourage you to seek some type of treatment to get you back to where you want to be.
There are self care steps you can follow to aid in treating your depression (in addition to professional treatment):
The Mayo Clinic offers a free depression self assessment. The assessment consists of 9 questions where you select the answers from a drop-down box.
Ladies, when your sister/friend is sharing with you, listen closely. Sometimes your sister/friend just wants you to be their sounding board and listen; then there are other times when they are crying for help and they do not know exactly how to put it into words. I encourage you not to discount one another’s emotions because they are real.
I will close this blog with the following quote from Cherrie Moraga, “Sometimes a breakdown can be the beginning of a kind of breakthrough, a way of living in advance through a trauma that prepares you for a future of radical transformation.”
Be Inspired and Inspire Someone
Have you ever been trying to cope with life’s challenges and someone says, “Just get over it already” but you cannot seem to ‘get over it?’ Has there been a time when you want to retire to your bed and never leave? Have you felt that one minute you were happy and smiling and then (like the wind blowing) a brush of sadness fills your body? Perhaps you could be suffering from some form of depression. The Mayo Clinic has provided information about depression in women. I will briefly share some of the facts the Mayo Clinic discussed. If you would like more in-depth information, please visit their website at
For some reason, it is not hard to believe that about 1 in 8 women develop depression at some point in life. Women are nearly twice as likely as are men to struggle with depression at some point. Depression can occur at any age, but it is most common in women between the ages of 25 and 44. Depression can fall into one of several categories. They include: major depressive disorder (also know as major depression, clinical depression); dysthymic disorder; manic depression; post partum depression; seasonal affective disorder; anxiety depression; atypical depression; chronic depression; double depression; endogenous depression; situation depression or reactive depression; agitated depression; psychotic depression; melancholic depression; and catatonic depression. Depending on the type of depression one is suffering from, the symptoms may be different which means the treatment may also differ. I encourage you to seek some type of treatment to get you back to where you want to be.
There are self care steps you can follow to aid in treating your depression (in addition to professional treatment):
- Stick to your treatment plan. Don't skip psychotherapy sessions or appointments, even if you don't feel like going. Even if you're feeling well, resist any temptation to skip your medications. If you stop, depression symptoms may come back, and you could also experience withdrawal-like symptoms.
- Learn about depression. Education about your condition can empower you and motivate you to stick to your treatment plan.
- Pay attention to warning signs. Work with your doctor or therapist to learn what might trigger your depression symptoms. Make a plan so that you know what to do if your symptoms get worse. Contact your doctor or therapist if you notice any changes in symptoms or how you feel. Ask family members or friends to help watch for warning signs.
- Get exercise. Physical activity reduces depression symptoms. Consider walking, jogging, swimming, gardening or taking up another activity you enjoy.
- Avoid alcohol and street drugs. It may seem like alcohol or drugs lessen depression symptoms, but in the long run they generally worsen symptoms and make depression harder to treat.
The Mayo Clinic offers a free depression self assessment. The assessment consists of 9 questions where you select the answers from a drop-down box.
Ladies, when your sister/friend is sharing with you, listen closely. Sometimes your sister/friend just wants you to be their sounding board and listen; then there are other times when they are crying for help and they do not know exactly how to put it into words. I encourage you not to discount one another’s emotions because they are real.
I will close this blog with the following quote from Cherrie Moraga, “Sometimes a breakdown can be the beginning of a kind of breakthrough, a way of living in advance through a trauma that prepares you for a future of radical transformation.”
Be Inspired and Inspire Someone
Sunday, September 25, 2011
Inspiration Sunday 9/25/11
Inspiration Sunday is a day when you can post quotes that inspire you. If you have read literature, listened to a song, listened to a speaker and they mentioned something that inspired you, I encourage you to share it with your sister/friends. Remember, our blog is about inspiring all women.
To follow are a few to get us started . . .
You weren’t there the night HE found me. You did not feel what I felt when HE wrapped his love all around me and you don’t know the cost of the oil in my alabaster box. Cece Winans
We can never judge the lives of others, because each person knows only their own pain and renunciation. Paulo Coelho
Reminder: You still have time to cast your vote on the monthly poll --->
Be Inspired and Inspire Someone
To follow are a few to get us started . . .
You weren’t there the night HE found me. You did not feel what I felt when HE wrapped his love all around me and you don’t know the cost of the oil in my alabaster box. Cece Winans
(Cece Winans’ “Alabaster Box”
Reminder: You still have time to cast your vote on the monthly poll --->
Be Inspired and Inspire Someone
Friday, September 23, 2011
Let’s Get Ready To Zumba!!!!
Yes, I meant zumba; not rumba. What is zumba you ask? It’s an exhilarating, effective, easy-to-follow, Latin-inspired, calorie-burning dance fitness-party that’s moving millions of people toward joy and health. If you have not taken a zumba class, you need to try it just once; you will become hooked. This is exercise that does not feel like exercise because you are having fun.
Can you guess how many calories a person can burn by doing zumba? Approximately 600-1,000 calories (depending on a person’s current weight) can be burned during an hour class. That is almost the same amount of calories burned by a person who is 155lbs if they run for an hour ( If I had to choose between zumba and running, zumba would be numero uno!
Zumba is not dedicated to a specific age group, body type or level of dancing skills; anyone can do it. When I participated in my first zumba class, I started out fast, ended slow and was exhausted before the class was close to being finished. Obviously, it should have been the other way around but I was determined to keep up with the instructor. After a few classes, I learned how to pace myself so I could get the full benefits of class and not run out of steam by the third or fourth song. Now I am able to do the entire hour class without easing to the side to catch my breath.
I attend Zumba with Mia in Hillsboro, NJ. Mia (aka Sgt. Zumba) makes the class fun which in turn pushes me to give it my all. As you may recall from a previous blog, I don’t like to sweat. Unfortunately, in Sgt. Zumba’s class sweating is not optional. As Mia's music transitions through an array of Latin, Hip/Hop, and even Country music, the students in the class increase the intensity of their moves. (There goes my fresh perm that is supposed to last for 4-6 weeks).
Visit Mia on facebook at to find the current dates/times of her classes. If Hillsborough is a distance for you to travel, you can locate a zumba class in your area at
Sister/Friends, I encourage you to try a zumba class. Trust me when I say you will be doing some of the moves in your car, at your desk or in a store when you hear one of the songs played in the class. I will close with a quote from Martha Graham, "Dance is the hidden language of the soul of the body."
Be Inspired and Inspire Someone
Can you guess how many calories a person can burn by doing zumba? Approximately 600-1,000 calories (depending on a person’s current weight) can be burned during an hour class. That is almost the same amount of calories burned by a person who is 155lbs if they run for an hour ( If I had to choose between zumba and running, zumba would be numero uno!
Zumba is not dedicated to a specific age group, body type or level of dancing skills; anyone can do it. When I participated in my first zumba class, I started out fast, ended slow and was exhausted before the class was close to being finished. Obviously, it should have been the other way around but I was determined to keep up with the instructor. After a few classes, I learned how to pace myself so I could get the full benefits of class and not run out of steam by the third or fourth song. Now I am able to do the entire hour class without easing to the side to catch my breath.
I attend Zumba with Mia in Hillsboro, NJ. Mia (aka Sgt. Zumba) makes the class fun which in turn pushes me to give it my all. As you may recall from a previous blog, I don’t like to sweat. Unfortunately, in Sgt. Zumba’s class sweating is not optional. As Mia's music transitions through an array of Latin, Hip/Hop, and even Country music, the students in the class increase the intensity of their moves. (There goes my fresh perm that is supposed to last for 4-6 weeks).
Visit Mia on facebook at to find the current dates/times of her classes. If Hillsborough is a distance for you to travel, you can locate a zumba class in your area at
Sister/Friends, I encourage you to try a zumba class. Trust me when I say you will be doing some of the moves in your car, at your desk or in a store when you hear one of the songs played in the class. I will close with a quote from Martha Graham, "Dance is the hidden language of the soul of the body."
Be Inspired and Inspire Someone
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Grab A Friend and Go For A Walk
There are many ways to get your body moving and one of my favorites is to walk. You can walk fast, slow or even a slight jog (hmmm guess that is not considered walking) but you get my drift. You can walk around the mall, walk around your job or walk on a treadmill (I call that walking nowhere). According to the Mayo Clinic, "walking can trim your waistline and improve your health." You can read more of the article from the Mayo Clinic by clicking on this link.
In 2009 my friend Candice and I walked in the Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure in New York City. This was an opportunity for us to support a worthy cause, exercise and have girl talk. It is truly amazing how many topics can be discussed in two hours. After a two hour (3.1 miles) walk, most novice walkers would head home to soak in a tub of Epsom salt; but not me and my sister/friend. We hopped in the car and headed to another area of New York to window shop and people watch and somehow found ourselves in midst of Little Italy’s Feast of San Gennaro. Would you believe that we walked an additional three hours? (Sidebar: Always remember, if you walk an hour away from where you parked your vehicle that you have to walk an hour back to it eventually).
Although we were not able to participate in the 2010 Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure, we were able to walk for the cause in September 18, 2011. This year we encouraged others to join us for the walk and our friends, Ivette and Julie, took on the challenge. We were four women on a mission and our mission was to complete the walk and have a great time. We completed our mission (and then some) and were thoroughly exhausted. However, we were all in agreement that it was a great day with our sister/friends because we walked (exercised) for a worthy cause and had lots of laughs. After completing the walk, Candice and realized that in 2009 we completed the walk in 2 hours and 4 minutes. This year we completed the walk in 1 hour and 45 minutes. Perhaps having our sister/friends there to provide support encouraged us to walk a little faster (or perhaps it was the reward at the end of the journey).
Perhaps you are not ready to challenge yourself in a walk like your fellow sister/friends; however, there are other ways to get your body moving in preparation for a 3 mile (or longer) walk. The next time your sister/friend wants to talk, ask her to meet you in the park to get in 30 minutes of walking and talking. I can guarantee you that it will probably be longer than 30 minutes. At the end of the day it is all about moving your body.
I will close with this quote from Carrie Latet, “Walking: the most ancient exercise and still the best modern exercise.”
Be Inspired and Inspire Someone
In 2009 my friend Candice and I walked in the Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure in New York City. This was an opportunity for us to support a worthy cause, exercise and have girl talk. It is truly amazing how many topics can be discussed in two hours. After a two hour (3.1 miles) walk, most novice walkers would head home to soak in a tub of Epsom salt; but not me and my sister/friend. We hopped in the car and headed to another area of New York to window shop and people watch and somehow found ourselves in midst of Little Italy’s Feast of San Gennaro. Would you believe that we walked an additional three hours? (Sidebar: Always remember, if you walk an hour away from where you parked your vehicle that you have to walk an hour back to it eventually).
Although we were not able to participate in the 2010 Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure, we were able to walk for the cause in September 18, 2011. This year we encouraged others to join us for the walk and our friends, Ivette and Julie, took on the challenge. We were four women on a mission and our mission was to complete the walk and have a great time. We completed our mission (and then some) and were thoroughly exhausted. However, we were all in agreement that it was a great day with our sister/friends because we walked (exercised) for a worthy cause and had lots of laughs. After completing the walk, Candice and realized that in 2009 we completed the walk in 2 hours and 4 minutes. This year we completed the walk in 1 hour and 45 minutes. Perhaps having our sister/friends there to provide support encouraged us to walk a little faster (or perhaps it was the reward at the end of the journey).
Perhaps you are not ready to challenge yourself in a walk like your fellow sister/friends; however, there are other ways to get your body moving in preparation for a 3 mile (or longer) walk. The next time your sister/friend wants to talk, ask her to meet you in the park to get in 30 minutes of walking and talking. I can guarantee you that it will probably be longer than 30 minutes. At the end of the day it is all about moving your body.
I will close with this quote from Carrie Latet, “Walking: the most ancient exercise and still the best modern exercise.”
Be Inspired and Inspire Someone
Monday, September 19, 2011
This Doesn’t Feel Like Exercise . . . But It Is
In the blog “It’s Time to Get Healthy Part 1&2”, I mentioned three beautiful women who inspired me to work towards improving my health. Sonia, Nikki, and Ty are the owners of GoDiva Studio in Bloomfield, NJ. GoDiva Studio is an exotic dance studio that specializes in pole, belly and erotic fitness dance classes. Their mission is to empower women to own their sensuality using an alternative approach to fitness.
When GoDiva Studio had their grand opening, their potential clients had an opportunity to attend all of the classes that were offered at the studio for $20. Each attendee participated in a mini GoBelly, GoVixen, GoJiggle, GoZumba and GoPole class and they were all awesome. Sidebar: I must confess that I am not one with the pole. All I can do is wrap my leg around it or hold on to it and spin. As far as climbing . . . that’s just not going to happen. BUT, I do feel inspired standing by it.
GoDiva Studio is a place where women can learn how to dance, feel good (inside and out) and meet other women just like them. I have been fortunate enough to meet a few wonderful young ladies in the one plus years that I have been a member of the studio. These young ladies also inspire me because of the support they give one another and others. Their beautiful smiles are infectious and it feels great to walk into the studio and receive a warm welcome of hugs.
If you don’t enjoy being in the gym and exercising the “traditional” way, perhaps GoDiva Studio (or the likes) is the place for you. I am confident you will find a class that you will enjoy. You will definitely receive a workout (and probably have more fun) during the hour class. I encourage you to visit their website at or Like them on FB at Go Diva Studio.
To follow are 5 tips for playful grown up workouts:
• A playful attitude: Everything starts with your state of mind.
• Add variety: Hoola Hoop, Jump rope to a song like the old days.
• Discover what you enjoy: Find new nature and/or city walk trails.
• Make a play date: Ask an adult friend and/or children to join you for a playful workout – Dance!
• Make love: Sexercise can be playful and burn calories.
Sister/Friends, it is time to get off the couch or out the bed and do some form of exercise to get your body moving. It is important to move because we can keep the food moving. Get out and enjoy life!
I will close with this quote from Carol Welch, “Movement is a medicine for creating change in a person's physical, emotional, and mental states.”
Be Inspired and Inspire Someone
When GoDiva Studio had their grand opening, their potential clients had an opportunity to attend all of the classes that were offered at the studio for $20. Each attendee participated in a mini GoBelly, GoVixen, GoJiggle, GoZumba and GoPole class and they were all awesome. Sidebar: I must confess that I am not one with the pole. All I can do is wrap my leg around it or hold on to it and spin. As far as climbing . . . that’s just not going to happen. BUT, I do feel inspired standing by it.
In addition to the beautiful spirits of the owners, the instructors have a way of making all the women feel comfortable, sexy and beautiful. I can actually recall an inspirational speech one of the instructors shared with the class before he began to teach us a dance routine. The instructor said, “In here we are family, we are going to support one another and not judge one another because we receive enough judgment from people outside the walls of the studio.” His words touched everyone in the room and allowed the hard shells to crack and each woman’s sensual side to emerge. It was at that point when I concluded I would return to the studio (quite often) even though it is over 45 minutes from my home.
If you don’t enjoy being in the gym and exercising the “traditional” way, perhaps GoDiva Studio (or the likes) is the place for you. I am confident you will find a class that you will enjoy. You will definitely receive a workout (and probably have more fun) during the hour class. I encourage you to visit their website at or Like them on FB at Go Diva Studio.
To follow are 5 tips for playful grown up workouts:
• A playful attitude: Everything starts with your state of mind.
• Add variety: Hoola Hoop, Jump rope to a song like the old days.
• Discover what you enjoy: Find new nature and/or city walk trails.
• Make a play date: Ask an adult friend and/or children to join you for a playful workout – Dance!
• Make love: Sexercise can be playful and burn calories.
Sister/Friends, it is time to get off the couch or out the bed and do some form of exercise to get your body moving. It is important to move because we can keep the food moving. Get out and enjoy life!
I will close with this quote from Carol Welch, “Movement is a medicine for creating change in a person's physical, emotional, and mental states.”
Be Inspired and Inspire Someone
Sunday, September 18, 2011
Inspiration Sunday
Inspiration Sunday is a day when you can post quotes that inspire you. If you have read literature, listened to a song, listened to a speaker and they mentioned something that inspired you, I encourage you to share it with your sister/friends. Remember, our blog is about inspiring all women.
To follow are a few to get us started . . .
To follow are a few to get us started . . .
You specialize in repeat performances; I know you can do it again.
James Fortune
Don’t take into your prayer closet your current conditions; take your future destiny.
Dr. Cindy Trimm
Reminder: You have 11 days to cast your vote on the monthly poll --->
Be Inspired and Inspire Someone
Reminder: You have 11 days to cast your vote on the monthly poll --->
Be Inspired and Inspire Someone
(James Fortune's “ENCORE.”
Thursday, September 15, 2011
Let Me Take You On A Journey
I am somewhat of a fan of a variety of music and I have a very close friend who often teases me about some of my preferences in music. She feels that for a person who is happy the majority of the time, I always select some of the saddest songs. I guess in some way I am able to relate them to a time when something may have been going on in my life. Some of my favorites are Ben by Michael Jackson, Brandy (I Really Miss You) by the O’Jays Cats in the Cradle by Harry Chapin. Now here is something funny, as I sit here typing this blog I realize that each of these songs are referring to animals. Anyone who knows me knows that I am not a fan of pets. Go figure.
Now, what song is appropriate for the sister/friend blog? The road we are about to travel and the challenges we may face to improve our health is a journey. That's it!!! Journey by John Gray ( This song is absolutely awesome and really makes you think. There is a point in the song when John states, "Every journey has red lights, green lights, stop signs, yield signs, highways, toll booths and potholes and people who don't want you to make it and sometimes you can't take. But you can't let nothing rock please don’t let the devil stop you on your journey." Does this sound like the perfect song??
Working towards becoming healthier is a journey and the obstacles that John mentions are true. They are not only true as it pertains to becoming healthy but also true with the many challenges we face in our everyday life. There will probably be many road blocks but the key is taking them one at a time and moving them out of your way. At the same time there will probably be people in your life who do not want to see you succeed. I encourage you to remember improving your health both mentally and physically has nothing to do with them and everything to do with you. YOU are the owner of YOU!
I challenge you to join me on this journey. Yes, there may be some red lights, green lights, stop signs, yield signs, highways, toll booths and potholes and people who don't want you to make it, but I can guarantee you that in the end you will feel healthier on the inside which will exude on the outside.
The improved YOU is inside waiting to make its presence known. Are you ready to take the challenge?
I will close with this quote by Gen. George Patton, “Accept the challenges so that you may feel the exhilaration of victory.”
Be Inspired and Inspire Someone
Now, what song is appropriate for the sister/friend blog? The road we are about to travel and the challenges we may face to improve our health is a journey. That's it!!! Journey by John Gray ( This song is absolutely awesome and really makes you think. There is a point in the song when John states, "Every journey has red lights, green lights, stop signs, yield signs, highways, toll booths and potholes and people who don't want you to make it and sometimes you can't take. But you can't let nothing rock please don’t let the devil stop you on your journey." Does this sound like the perfect song??
Working towards becoming healthier is a journey and the obstacles that John mentions are true. They are not only true as it pertains to becoming healthy but also true with the many challenges we face in our everyday life. There will probably be many road blocks but the key is taking them one at a time and moving them out of your way. At the same time there will probably be people in your life who do not want to see you succeed. I encourage you to remember improving your health both mentally and physically has nothing to do with them and everything to do with you. YOU are the owner of YOU!
I challenge you to join me on this journey. Yes, there may be some red lights, green lights, stop signs, yield signs, highways, toll booths and potholes and people who don't want you to make it, but I can guarantee you that in the end you will feel healthier on the inside which will exude on the outside.
The improved YOU is inside waiting to make its presence known. Are you ready to take the challenge?
I will close with this quote by Gen. George Patton, “Accept the challenges so that you may feel the exhilaration of victory.”
Be Inspired and Inspire Someone
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
We Can Control What We Put Into Our Mouths
I recently read a posting by Joel Osteen. I thought it was appropriate to share it with you as we work towards improving our health (mentally and physically).
There are a lot of things that we cannot control in life. But we can control what we put into our mouths. Many people don't realize today the reason they don't feel well and the reason they don't have any energy. They're dealing with headaches, allergies, and sometimes even more serious, chronic illnesses, simply because of what they're putting into their system every day.
A lot of times, we're praying for God to give us a miracle. "God, I don't feel well." "God, I need more energy." And "God, take away these headaches." Well, we really don't need a miracle; we need a lifestyle change. We need to develop better habits to take care of our temple.
A hundred years ago, we didn't have the heart disease and the cancer that we have today. What's changed? Our diet. We live off of much more processed, refined foods; foods that have chemicals and preservatives to make them last longer but they're not necessarily good for us. We've developed bad habits of eating junk foods, eating too much food, and not drinking enough water. All of these things can be harmful to us.
I wonder how much smarter we would be if we'd just start eating the right foods? I wonder how much more creative, more energetic, and more productive we'd be if we'd eliminate a few of the sugars and instead, start eating more fruit. Or, if we'd start snacking on nuts and raisins and give up some of the colas and candy bars.
Decide today to take care of your temple. Don't put things in that you know shouldn't be in. Limit the sugars. Limit the caffeine. Drink more water. Eat more fruits and vegetables and don't live off of these packaged lunch meats. Eat more organic when you can. More baked and less fried.
I don't know about you, but I need all the help I can get! I don't want to get stagnant in life. I don't want to come to a peak in my intelligence or a peak in my creativity just because I'm not putting the right nutrition in. I don't want to be an old man (or woman) falling apart.
I want you to be the happiest, healthiest, most prosperous people around. But you've got to do your part. Discipline yourself to make healthy choices. You may be fine now, but if you're abusing your body later on it's going to catch up to you.
That's my prayer for each one of you. You can become all God's created you to be. If you will make choices for your health and start developing better eating habits, then you'll get stronger, healthier and wiser. You'll even be better looking!
To create some dialogue, please share the foods that you feel are your weakness.
I am going to close with this proverb, "Eat little, sleep well."
Be Inspired and Inspire Someone
There are a lot of things that we cannot control in life. But we can control what we put into our mouths. Many people don't realize today the reason they don't feel well and the reason they don't have any energy. They're dealing with headaches, allergies, and sometimes even more serious, chronic illnesses, simply because of what they're putting into their system every day.
A lot of times, we're praying for God to give us a miracle. "God, I don't feel well." "God, I need more energy." And "God, take away these headaches." Well, we really don't need a miracle; we need a lifestyle change. We need to develop better habits to take care of our temple.
A hundred years ago, we didn't have the heart disease and the cancer that we have today. What's changed? Our diet. We live off of much more processed, refined foods; foods that have chemicals and preservatives to make them last longer but they're not necessarily good for us. We've developed bad habits of eating junk foods, eating too much food, and not drinking enough water. All of these things can be harmful to us.
I wonder how much smarter we would be if we'd just start eating the right foods? I wonder how much more creative, more energetic, and more productive we'd be if we'd eliminate a few of the sugars and instead, start eating more fruit. Or, if we'd start snacking on nuts and raisins and give up some of the colas and candy bars.
Decide today to take care of your temple. Don't put things in that you know shouldn't be in. Limit the sugars. Limit the caffeine. Drink more water. Eat more fruits and vegetables and don't live off of these packaged lunch meats. Eat more organic when you can. More baked and less fried.
I don't know about you, but I need all the help I can get! I don't want to get stagnant in life. I don't want to come to a peak in my intelligence or a peak in my creativity just because I'm not putting the right nutrition in. I don't want to be an old man (or woman) falling apart.
I want you to be the happiest, healthiest, most prosperous people around. But you've got to do your part. Discipline yourself to make healthy choices. You may be fine now, but if you're abusing your body later on it's going to catch up to you.
That's my prayer for each one of you. You can become all God's created you to be. If you will make choices for your health and start developing better eating habits, then you'll get stronger, healthier and wiser. You'll even be better looking!
To create some dialogue, please share the foods that you feel are your weakness.
I am going to close with this proverb, "Eat little, sleep well."
Be Inspired and Inspire Someone
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
It’s Time to Get Healthy – Part 2
So are you wondering what the three ladies shared with me?? Information on how I can shed pounds and inches (especially in my problem area . . . my stomach that I have been carrying for 24 years). I know, I know I really need to stop blaming my stomach on carrying a child. After 24 years some of it should be gone and probably would be slimmer if I had only put in the extra effort.

Unlike other programs, there are no special packaged foods to purchase, you don’t go to a facility to be measured, weighed or obtain support. This is all about being able to follow the protocol utilizing the resources that are emailed in addition to the support website. This is about you being up to the challenge and sticking to a program that will help you achieve the results you are seeking in a short period of time.
To follow the program, normal grocery shopping is done by sticking to the perimeter of the grocery store (produce and protein); drinking of a lot of water and green tea and most importantly exercising a maximum of 30 minutes/day. That exercise can consist of walking or a little more if an exercise regimen was in place. For me that was right up my alley because I didn’t have to worry about sweating out my hair. Oops now you know why I didn’t put in a lot of effort during my previous exercise programs. Come on, I know I am not the only one who worries about sweating out her fresh perm. I need it to last for at least 4-6 weeks. ;-)
So now you are probably wondering if you have to give up your first born in order to purchase this product. The answer is no; however, he/she may miss out on getting a new pair of sneakers. The product only cost $77 (plus s&h). With that you receive the spray, downloads for the material needed to follow the protocol and access to the support website. I did have to buy a few more items; a digital scale to weigh myself and a kitchen scale to weigh my food in order to really monitor my weight and food intake.
I started this journey in February 2011 at 175 pounds and after a few ½ rounds (because I was a big cheater) I ended the program in September 2011 at 144 pounds. I don’t know how many inches I lost off my waist but my clothes definitely fit differently. Yes, I lost a total of 31 pounds in 7 months. Now I am in the maintenance phase and I am doing well managing my eating habits and incorporating an exercise program that works for me. I must admit, I feel healthier than I have felt in years.
To learn more about the program follow the attached link below to view the video and receive a free download of Dr. Simeon's Pounds and Inches. The Pounds and Inches literature provides information on why many people are overweight and the contributors -like heredity, lack of exercise, food intake, etc. Dr. Simeon used HCG in a shot form; however, the spray was created in a homeopathic form and the results are the same.
If you decide to order the product ($77), (once you are on the website) please scroll down to the bottom of the page, CLICK – Click Here Order Now. By clicking on this link, it allows me to receive credit for each person that I refer.
During my journey to shed those unwanted pounds and inches, I learned a wealth of information; information that assisted me in reaching my goal and also increased my knowledge of making healthier choices in my life. For me this was a lifestyle change not a quick fix to lose weight for a special event.
If you would like to discuss the program in confidence, please arrange a call or Skype meeting with me via
I will close with a quote from Dr. Cindy Trimm: This is the ending of your history and the beginning of your destiny.
Be inspired and inspire someone!
It’s Time to Get Healthy – Part 1
Several years ago I used to play tennis; two and sometimes three times a week and lost almost 20 pounds. I was serious about the sport because it did not feel like exercise to me. More importantly there were cute little outfits that made me look like I really knew how to play. I even went as far as volunteering during the U.S. Open. I had the right tennis bag, sneakers and even two tennis racquets. I seriously thought I was Venus or Serena . . . they were my friends in my head when I was on the court.
After a few health issues, tennis was placed on the back burner along with any other exercise. I became straight up lazy! Even worse, I have access to a FREE gym at my office and all I have to do is walk 50 feet or less to get there. But in the several years that I have been employed, I can honestly say I have probably only utilized the facility about 30-40 times. Why? Because I had every excuse in the book as to why I could not workout in the morning, during lunch or after work. Excuses, excuses, excuses. Can anyone relate to me here?
Fast forward to my 39th birthday when my 20 pounds decided to return . . . During my annual check-up I informed my doctor that I was not going to turn 40 and be as heavy as I was . . . nope not gonna happen. I did my best to avoid McDonald’s and those darn fries and some days it was a challenge. Eventually I lost some weight but not enough to make me feel comfortable. My 40th came and went, so did 41st and 42nd and then it hit me that I needed to stop complaining and seriously do something about it.
So I joined a gym outside of my place of business and hired a personal trainer to whip me into shape. That was short lived because I traveled too much and had not really changed my eating habits. I actually paid my hard earned money to be tortured for an hour and have the scale remain the same. Don’t get me wrong, I acquired a few good exercises that I continue to use; however, I am still kicking myself for not really giving it my all. I only can blame the person in the mirror. I know someone has been here with me too . . . right?
Eventually, I started doing a variety of activities to keep my body moving (which I will share in a blog about exercise). These activities assisted me in decreasing my weight and improving my health. Then in mid 2010 I met three beautiful women who would eventually inspire me in many ways (I will get back to them also).
For me, the normal way of losing weight and improving my health was not working. I am the kind of person who likes to see immediate results for all of my efforts. Yes, I am a straight up impatient person. I am not lying, as a child I would open my presents as soon as my mom put them under the tree and then re-tape them. No need to jump up early on Christmas morning, I knew what I had.
Anyway, the ladies shared with me a program that worked for them and now I am going to share the information with you. Before I let you in on the best kept secret, I will be perfectly honest and tell you that the program has worked for me and many others who were committed to following regimen. However, it is a program that is not for everyone. Therefore I encourage you to make an informed decision before embarking on this journey. It will challenge your every being as it pertains to food.
I will close with a quote from the Black Girls Guide to Weight Loss, “Every challenge is an opportunity to learn and grow, no matter how successful the endeavor is or is not.”
Be inspired and inspire someone!
After a few health issues, tennis was placed on the back burner along with any other exercise. I became straight up lazy! Even worse, I have access to a FREE gym at my office and all I have to do is walk 50 feet or less to get there. But in the several years that I have been employed, I can honestly say I have probably only utilized the facility about 30-40 times. Why? Because I had every excuse in the book as to why I could not workout in the morning, during lunch or after work. Excuses, excuses, excuses. Can anyone relate to me here?
Fast forward to my 39th birthday when my 20 pounds decided to return . . . During my annual check-up I informed my doctor that I was not going to turn 40 and be as heavy as I was . . . nope not gonna happen. I did my best to avoid McDonald’s and those darn fries and some days it was a challenge. Eventually I lost some weight but not enough to make me feel comfortable. My 40th came and went, so did 41st and 42nd and then it hit me that I needed to stop complaining and seriously do something about it.
So I joined a gym outside of my place of business and hired a personal trainer to whip me into shape. That was short lived because I traveled too much and had not really changed my eating habits. I actually paid my hard earned money to be tortured for an hour and have the scale remain the same. Don’t get me wrong, I acquired a few good exercises that I continue to use; however, I am still kicking myself for not really giving it my all. I only can blame the person in the mirror. I know someone has been here with me too . . . right?
Eventually, I started doing a variety of activities to keep my body moving (which I will share in a blog about exercise). These activities assisted me in decreasing my weight and improving my health. Then in mid 2010 I met three beautiful women who would eventually inspire me in many ways (I will get back to them also).
For me, the normal way of losing weight and improving my health was not working. I am the kind of person who likes to see immediate results for all of my efforts. Yes, I am a straight up impatient person. I am not lying, as a child I would open my presents as soon as my mom put them under the tree and then re-tape them. No need to jump up early on Christmas morning, I knew what I had.
Anyway, the ladies shared with me a program that worked for them and now I am going to share the information with you. Before I let you in on the best kept secret, I will be perfectly honest and tell you that the program has worked for me and many others who were committed to following regimen. However, it is a program that is not for everyone. Therefore I encourage you to make an informed decision before embarking on this journey. It will challenge your every being as it pertains to food.
I will close with a quote from the Black Girls Guide to Weight Loss, “Every challenge is an opportunity to learn and grow, no matter how successful the endeavor is or is not.”
Be inspired and inspire someone!
Monday, September 12, 2011
Meditation . . . Few Minutes of Me Time
I had a wonderful friend inspire me to try a 21-Day Meditation Challenge. The challenge was offered online via the Chopra Center ( Each morning we received an email that shared with us our meditation for the day. During the initial days of the meditation, I thought this does not work for me because the meditation leader talked in a calm (somewhat strange) tone. Seriously, dude freaked me out and I thought he was playing with my psyche and trying to pull me into a cult. After day three of the meditation (and the transition of the leaders) I was all into the challenge.
The meditation was broken into 3 weeks and each week we focused on a different area and the leader then divided each day to help us build on the topic of the week.
Week 1 - Who Am I?
Week 2 - What Do I Want?
Some of the questions the leader asked us to think about as we meditated.
Week 3 - What Is Your Dharma (Purpose) in Life?
At the end of the 21 Day Challenge, I learned that although I may be everything to a few people, at the end of the day I am still Tina Hines. The meditation allowed me to have some 'me time' and shut everything out for 10-20 minutes. That is a challenge within itself but we have to learn to take that time for ourselves. Most important, the meditation brought me here to begin fulfilling my purpose.
Do you know your purpose in life? When do you think you will start pursuing your purpose? If you are already pursuing it, how can you enhance it?
I will close with a quote from David Simon, one of the meditation leaders. "The greatest contribution we can make to the well-being of those in our lives is to have peace in our own hearts."
Be inspired and inspire someone!
The meditation was broken into 3 weeks and each week we focused on a different area and the leader then divided each day to help us build on the topic of the week.
Week 1 - Who Am I?
- The Creator
- The Teacher
- The Giver
- The Witness
Week 2 - What Do I Want?
- Love
- Health
- Money
- Emotional Freedom
- Happiness
- Abundance
Some of the questions the leader asked us to think about as we meditated.
- What are you holding onto that is no longer serving me?
- Is there an area in your life where you can visualize moving from constriction to total and complete expansion?
- What does your life look and feel like after you have consciously chosen to let go of that constriction; that thing that no longer serves you?
Week 3 - What Is Your Dharma (Purpose) in Life?
- What do you see yourself doing?
- What is it that you do better than anyone else?
- How can you use this talent to bring joy to others?
At the end of the 21 Day Challenge, I learned that although I may be everything to a few people, at the end of the day I am still Tina Hines. The meditation allowed me to have some 'me time' and shut everything out for 10-20 minutes. That is a challenge within itself but we have to learn to take that time for ourselves. Most important, the meditation brought me here to begin fulfilling my purpose.
Do you know your purpose in life? When do you think you will start pursuing your purpose? If you are already pursuing it, how can you enhance it?
I will close with a quote from David Simon, one of the meditation leaders. "The greatest contribution we can make to the well-being of those in our lives is to have peace in our own hearts."
Be inspired and inspire someone!
I'm Back and Ready to Inspire My Sister/Friends!
I started this blog in 2008 and for some odd reason, although I receive a lot of positive feedback, I stopped writing. Well after a conversation with a colleague of mine, I decided it was time for me to start writing again. I will use this forum to share (with anyone who is willing to read) ways in which we can improve our health mentally and physically. Along the way I will share with you some words that perhaps will inspire you to 'be inspired and inspire someone'. In addition, I will save you a little time and money by sharing feedback on products that I try and results that were (or were not) achieved by using the product.
I encourage you to ask questions, post your comments, etc. You never know when someone reading this may be thinking the same thing but they are not sure how to put their words on paper. This is a forum where I encourage my sister/friends lift one another up while they are lifting themselves up.
MY DISCLAIMER: I am not a therapist although there have been times when I have shared my thoughts (or validated someone else's thoughts); any thoughts that I share are my opinions based on my life experiences and also what you are willing to share with me. This will not be a forum to bash men or knock our sisters down.
With that said, I will start my first blog.
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